Scraping ========= .. >>> from pyquery import PyQuery as pq >>> your_url = getfixture('scrap_url') PyQuery is able to load an html document from a url:: >>> pq(url=your_url) [] By default it uses python's urllib. If `requests`_ is installed then it will use it. This allow you to use most of `requests`_ parameters:: >>> pq(url=your_url, headers={'user-agent': 'pyquery'}) [] >>> pq(url=your_url, data={'q': 'foo'}, method='post', verify=True) [] Timeout ------- The default timeout is 60 seconds, you can change it by setting the timeout parameter which is forwarded to the underlying urllib or requests library. Session ------- When using the requests library you can instantiate a Session object which keeps state between http calls (for example - to keep cookies). You can set the session parameter to use this session object. .. _requests: